Children's Museum of Pittsburgh

Community Mosaic

 2023- 2024, Collaborative Mosaic with The Children’s Museum, Pittsburgh, PA, honoring the Three Sisters Crops, during Native American Heritage Month (November), which coincides with Fall crops and growth. The 3 crops, beans, squash, and corn, grow better together, and symbolize spiritual and cultural aspects, with a very long history- which is an understatement! We celebrated the month and the 3 crops by highlighting the roots as mirrored glass, to show the importance of these roots growing together and reflecting one another. The roots give each other nutrients to flourish, similar to the idea of community mosaic. When we work together, more can be accomplished, and we can nourish ourselves with community and sharing knowledge. We can see our hard work reflected. Thank you! The mosaic will be featured in the museum’s Fundraiser Gala so we can put money back into the arts program. After a few community work sessions at the museum, Sarah took the mosaic to her studio to finish it, grout it, and frame it with hardware for hanging.

Sketch for the mosaic, by Sarah Cohen


Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Emily Kinkead

District 20

Democrat, serving Allegheny County (Part)

Mosaic, 2 x 4 feet

After completion, the mosaic was then auctioned off to raise funds for more arts programming!